In this video, Cllr Martin Hill OBE (Leader of Lincolnshire County Council) provides an update on Lincolnshire's recovery.
On our economic vulnerability: "Even though we are starting to get out and about and enjoy the summertime more, we still need to be cautious. Our infection rates continue to be low and last week we only had 21 new positive test results for Covid-19, but it's important that we're not complacent. Research this week shows that county areas are more vulnerable to the economic effects of Covid-19. This is because of our higher proportion of staff working in sectors such as tourism, food services, manufacturing, construction and retail. In Lincolnshire we are working on an economic recovery plan."
On government funding: "We are asking the government to give us more funding and powers locally so we can determine what is best for our county. This would mean we could help to provide what businesses and workers need for secure and high quality employment. More investment in the county is critical so I'm delighted that we have been allocated £25.8 million from the government's 'Getting Building' fund for a number of projects in the Greater Lincolnshire area."
On support for local cafes: "Working with the district councils, we've overhauled and streamlined the previous street cafe licensing process to help kick start the local economy safely... Businesses can apply online and let us know where you'd like your seating or stall, when you'll be using it, and how many tables and chairs there'll be... Our aim is to help businesses bounce back after three months with their doors closed, and bring life back into our town centres. In some areas, this could drastically change the street scene, and we're confident that Lincolnshire's business-owners will be able to make this a success."