Legal Requirements - please check before applying.
To become a councillor you must be:
A British or Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, and resident in the United Kingdom.
18 or over on the day of nomination.
Either on the electoral register for the council area in which you are seeking election; or have lived or worked in that council area for at least the last twelve months.
You will not be able to stand for election if:
You hold a paid office or employment made or confirmed by the council you wish to stand for.
You are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order.
You have been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to not less than three months imprisonment (including a suspended sentence) in the last five years.
You can also be disqualified from holding office, by order of the court, if you have incurred illegal expenditure (when acting as a councillor) of over £2,000 and if you have been found guilty of corrupt or illegal practices under the Representation of the People Act (1983) or the Audit Commission Act (1998).